Here are some of the "A-has" and positive comments from participants after the two days:
I like Flowcharts---lots more uses than I first imagined.
The importance of creating shared vision, code of
cooperation, SOPs in all settings.
Really see how this truly can benefit all learners and
It’s ok to take it slow---try a few things at a time then
build from there.
What everyone has been talking about makes more sense.
Standards unpacking should involve students every time!
Different ways to track progress for different levels of understanding.
The clearer the better.
As an Ed Tech, this helps me to know what is going on, being a part of the process, having a voice, and learning new things---will benefit me at being more effective at my job.
These concepts can work well if adapted to your own teaching style.
As an Ed Tech, this helps me to know what is going on, being a part of the process, having a voice, and learning new things---will benefit me at being more effective at my job.
These concepts can work well if adapted to your own teaching style.
Showing progress in a variety of ways.
It's positive for us substitutes to know. Thank you for making us an important piece as well.
It's positive for us substitutes to know. Thank you for making us an important piece as well.
Important to revisit standards and shared vision.
Flowcharts are fun!
Unpacking standards is togetherness…I like this!